
Coaching Through a Gender Lens

A breakthrough study that examines the intersection of girls’ sports development with their “current day” experiences and the impact of coaches, through the voices of girls, their parents, and experts in girls’ development and sports.

In partnership with Nike’s Social & Community Impact division, Coaching through a Gender Lens examines girls’ own personal experiences in sport and the degree to which specific coaching practices/experiences impact their participation, motivation, and retention. The findings also highlight the major cultural, environmental, and policy-based barriers that contribute to the gender gap in sport, and the ways in which youth sports organizations serving girls can successfully meet their needs and foster their continued engagement in sport.

Coaching Through a Gender Lens Executive Summary
Power of Parents Research Brief
Coaching Through a Gender Lens Official Press Release here.
Coaching Through a Gender Lens Key Findings Illustration
Coaching Through a Gender Lens Infographic

Coaching Through a Gender Lens Report .pdf (2mb)

Her Life Depends On It III & Collegiate Coaching and Athletic Administration

To assist readers who have specific interests, the WSF has created a series of Research Briefs from Her Life Depends On It III.

Her Life Depends On It III is the Women’s Sports Foundation’s comprehensive report that reviews existing and emerging research on the links between participation in sport and physical activity and the health and wellbeing of American girls and women. As with the previous editions in 2004 and 2009, this study also confirms that physical activity and sport provides the critical foundation, in no small part, that allows girls and women to lead healthy, strong, and fulfilled lives. Ten years since its first publication, the updated Her Life Depends On It provides an even more comprehensive review of the ever-expanding body of research that demonstrates how important it is for girls and women to participate in sport and physical activity. The report’s contents reflect the review of 1,500 studies, nearly 400 covered since the previous edition.

Her Life Depends On It III and Collegiate Coaching and Athletic Administration

Her Life Depends On It III & Women, Sport and Executive Leadership

To assist readers who have specific interests, the WSF has created a series of Research Briefs from Her Life Depends On It III.

Her Life Depends On It III is the Women’s Sports Foundation’s comprehensive report that reviews existing and emerging research on the links between participation in sport and physical activity and the health and wellbeing of American girls and women. As with the previous editions in 2004 and 2009, this study also confirms that physical activity and sport provides the critical foundation, in no small part, that allows girls and women to lead healthy, strong, and fulfilled lives. Ten years since its first publication, the updated Her Life Depends On It provides an even more comprehensive review of the ever-expanding body of research that demonstrates how important it is for girls and women to participate in sport and physical activity. The report’s contents reflect the review of 1,500 studies, nearly 400 covered since the previous edition.

Her Life Depends On It III and Women, Sport, and Executive Leadership

Beyond X’s & O’s

This nationwide online survey, the largest of its kind to-date, was designed to generate facts and analysis of the workplace experiences and views of both female and male coaches of intercollegiate women’s sports. This research is unique in that it is the first to assess male coaches of women’s teams and make comparisons with female coaches.

The data-driven research confirms there is systemic gender bias; it’s not sporadic or limited to a few institutions. Key findings include:

  • Bias is associated with gender of the coach, not the gender of the team. Many women coaches perceive gender bias, fewer of their male counterparts recognize it.
  • Most women coaches believe it is easier for men to secure high level jobs, salary increases, promotions, and multi-year contracts. 4 out of 5 women coaches think it is easier for men to get top-level coaching jobs.
  • Many women fear unfair treatment, retaliation and loss of their jobs if they express Title IX concerns.
  • More women are less willing to voice their opinions outside of the athletic department and are less involved in decision-making inside the athletic department.

Based on the findings, there are policy recommendations at the conclusion of the report meant to help coaches, athletic administrators and academic administrators better utilize college sports as an institutional vehicle for equitable participation and opportunity. The policy recommendations are also aimed at college presidents and chancellors, without whose support and leadership, the creation of meaningful change in the women’s sports workplace is likely to be impeded.

Beyond X’s and O’s Executive Summary here.
Beyond X’s & O’s Official Press Release here.
Download the Infographic here.

Beyond X's and O's Full Report